Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Big Scooter" from Malang

skutik modified so big display scooter is hardly easy, especially as happened in 2008 Yamaha Mio Soul Hendry's Chopper from Malang, East Java. Although modifications are not extreme, yet there is a high degree of difficulty in making body.

Hendry was making a big Mio scooter is very challenging. Because, so far he only saw it from a magazine.

The entire body is regenerated from the fiber material, while the dimensions and shapes designed himself. He admitted, "That certainly does not seem fitting for Mio machine."

To raise the body, he backed the rear wheels up to 30 cm. Before the body was made, he first makes the grain. We manufacture, Hendry claimed to have set detail what should be attached so that the body was ready to be installed.

Details are referred to as the main lights and stop lights. Because the body has been stretched, to the front, he picked lighting coincidence Honda Air Blade is owned by a friend who brought him from Thailand. The rear lamps use Sanex Hussar have increasingly emphasized such a big scooter display in Japan and Europe.

Talk framework, this section is not much change, except the tail which then made more menungging. Meanwhile, the adoption of the front damper and the rear of Impac brand Suzuki Satria FU 150.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Modification Honda Tiger production 1994

If you have the 1994 Honda Tiger production and bored with the look, can work dicontek Erfan Nurdianto modification of the K-cau Modification (K-CM), Magelang, Central Java, this. Original of this type of motor sport berlambang wing flap was missing, having mixed it with the style of street fighter in certain parts of charm.

As with aft sector, which is shaped like a Ninja 250 because many people diomongin. To change this, of course there rombakannya. According Erfan, spine removed approximately 15 cm so that the tail can be made more nungging.

The execution of the entire body using fiber materials, ranging from front to back. "Only tank system worked condoms, so the original is still in there," said the owner of the motor.

If the rear is inspired from the Ninja 250, to enter the front Erfan Ducati models. So that the display be bigger motor, dibuatkanlah deltabox variation of aluminum material. Consideration, "In addition malleable, let more polished."

Then, the motor what else is pinned on Tiger? Look at the headlights, took from Kawasaki Athlete 125 because not many who apply.

The result, display a custom motorcycle with a pretentious front and back brake system which has disk, so it is fresher and fresher

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Modifications Yamaha Nouvo mediocre.

Modifications made his impress on the Yamaha Nouvo mediocre. Understandable, because the concept leads to a drag. Thus, according to the boss's house the X-16 Motor modifications have elements combined with the low rider (Lowdrag).

Aura is a very strong drag on the sector body. Attention to the design style or racing style. "For instance, on the side of the fin is made there must be a kind of thick with the aura of his racing career," explained John.

So also for the model stirrup and exhaust positions. The entire body is made re-use plates. Chromated all looks so futuristic and modern. Interestingly, the model Sein LED lights on the left and right.

To exhaust, undertail-style special design with two shiny snout. According to John, accidentally chromated. Uniquely, alongside the same position lights Sein.

There are still other new things are done John on this Nouvo. Like custom rims with svelte model. But it was characteristic of the drag force. "Actually this is a rim variation with 14 bars. Because you want to get the effect of thin, circumcised lived eight bars. Cross has a size a little thin so strengthening the slim effect